The following is MAGMA code for computing the dual graph of the special fiber of the Shimura curve over QQ of discriminant Dp and level N (here DNp is squarefree and D is divisible by an odd number of primes). Of course this is heavily based on the
code of
As with any code, buyer beware.
function LocalDualGram(L,q) Mat := MatrixAlgebra(ResidueClassRing(q), Rank(L));
U := Kernel(Mat!GramMatrix(L));
B := [ L!v : v in Basis(U) ] cat [ q*v : v in Basis(L) ];
return MinkowskiGramReduction((1/q)*GramMatrix(sub< L | B >):
Canonical := true);
end function;
function fiber(D,N,p)
Q := QuaternionAlgebra(D);
O := QuaternionOrder(Q,N);
L := LeftIdealClasses(O);
OO := QuaternionOrder(Q,N*p);
LL := LeftIdealClasses(OO);
OriginList := [ Explode([Index(L,I): I in L | IsIsomorphic(I,lideal< O | Basis(II) >)]) : II in LL];
ALList := [0 : II in LL];
OrderGrams := [ ReducedGramMatrix(RightOrder(II)) : II in LL];
for A in SequenceToSet(OrderGrams) do
Lat := LatticeWithGram(A);
K := [ j : j in [1..#OrderGrams] | OrderGrams[j] eq A ];
B := LocalDualGram(Lat,p);
for i in K do
ALList[i] := Explode([ j : j in K | IsIsometric(LatticeWithGram(1/(Norm(I)*Norm(J)) * GramMatrix(Conjugate(J)*I)),LatticeWithGram(B)) where I := LL[i] where J := LL[j] ]);
end for;
end for;
W := ZeroMatrix(Integers(),#LL,#LL);
for i in [1..#LL] do
W[i,ALList[i]] := 1;
end for;
TerminusList := RowSequence(Transpose(W*Matrix(Integers(), #LL,1,OriginList)))[1];
ALOperators := AssociativeArray();
for l in PrimeDivisors(D*N) do
ALList := [0 : II in LL];
for A in SequenceToSet(OrderGrams) do
Lat := LatticeWithGram(A);
K := [ j : j in [1..#OrderGrams] | OrderGrams[j] eq A ];
B := LocalDualGram(Lat,l);
for i in K do
ALList[i] := Explode([ j : j in K | IsIsometric(LatticeWithGram(1/(Norm(I)*Norm(J)) * GramMatrix(Conjugate(J)*I)),LatticeWithGram(B)) where I := LL[i] where J := LL[j] ]);
end for;
end for;
ALOperators[l] := ALList;
end for;
return OriginList , TerminusList, [ExactQuotient(#Units(RightOrder(II)),2) : II in LL], ALOperators;
end function;