Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
University of Bristol
email: J.Stankewicz- at bristol-dot-ac.uk
Howard House
Queens Avenue
Bristol BS8 1SN
Curriculum vitae (December 2015)
Number Theory, Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Abelian Varieties, Moduli Spaces, Shimura Curves
In Preparation
"The twist anti Hasse principle for Shimura Curves" - joint with Pete L. Clark
"On the Non-Commutative Endomorphism Rings of Abelian Surfaces"[math.nt/1511.02518]
"The Torsion on Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication over Real Number Fields" -joint with Abbey Bourdon and Pete L. Clark [PDF][math.nt/1411.1642]
Accepted or Published
[8]"Computations on Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication" - joint with Pete L. Clark, Patrick Corn and, Alex Rice LMS J. Comput. Math. 17 (1) (2014), 509-535 [math.nt/1307.6174] [Official]
[7]"Integer Solutions to Box Optimization Problems"- joint with Vincent Coll, Jeremy Davis, Martin Hall, Colton Magnant, and Hua Wang, College Mathematics Journal 45 (2014), 180-190. [website and sage code][Official]
[6]"Twists of Shimura Curves", Canadian Journal of Mathematics 66 (2014), no. 4, 924-960.[math.nt/1208.3594][Code][Official]
[5]"Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication(with an appendix by Alex Rice)" - joint with Pete Clark and Brian Cook, International Journal of Number Theory 9 (2013) , 447-479.[math.nt/0907.2499] [PDF][Official][MR3005559]
[4]"Twists of Shimura Curves" - PhD Thesis [PDF]
[3]"sl_n level one conformal blocks bundles on M0,n" - joint with Maxim Arap, Angela Gibney and Dave Swinarski, International Math. Research Notices (2012) Volume 2012 (7): 1634-1680. [math.ag/1009.4664] [Official][MR2913186]
[2]"Unbounded Discrepancy in Frobenius Numbers" - joint with Jeffrey Shallit [math.nt/1003.0021] [Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011) A2][MR2798658]
[1]"On a Generalization of the Frobenius Number" - joint with Alexander Brown, Eleanor Dannenberg, Jennifer Fox, Joshua Hanna, Katherine Keck, Alexander Moore, Zachary Robbins and Brandon Samples
[math.nt/1001.0207] [Journal of Integer Sequences 13 (2010) 10.1.4][MR2580521]
A Roadmap for quaternions in sage - with Alyson Deines, Lassina Dembele, Xavier Guitart, Ian Kiming, David Kohel, Marc Masdeu, Michael Neururer, Aurel Page, Gustavo Rama, Mathieu Rambaud, Nadim Rustom, Jeroen Sijsling, Nicolas Sirolli, William Stein, Gonzalo Tornaria, and John Voight
Autumn 2015- Modern Geometry